Universidade do Minho    
  Universidade do Minho
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Mendeley - reference manager


Users (UMinho members) unfamiliar with the tool, interested in using an application for the automatic management of bibliographic references and citations (collect, organize and usage).


Present the main features of Mendeley Reference Manager Desktop and Web version; how to collect bibliographic references and documents from different resources (databases, repositories, search engines, etc.) in to Mendeley; features to organize and edit references and documents in Mendeley; integration and editing of citations and bibliographical references in Word; Mendeley social network for information sharing.

Modalities: Expository session, in-person or online (via Zoom)


2 hours


  1. Mendeley
    1. Introduction: features and versions
    2. Mendeley Web registration
    3. Mendeley Reference Manager installation
    4. Web Importer plug-in installation
  2. Mendeley Web
    1. My account, profile
    2. Overview
    3. Search
    4. Library
  3. Mendeley Reference manager (new version)
    1. Overview
    2. Collecting bibliographic references
    3. Organize and edit references and documents
    4. Sharing features (Groups)
    5. Synchronization between desktop and web version
    6. Integration of references in Word (Mendeley Cite)


Throughout the school year


a) The In-Person session requires a room equipped with projector and Internet access.
b) Scheduling requests must be sent to formacao@usdb.uminho.pt
c) Throughout the school year, the library also organizes open training sessions on this topic (check the  training calendar). 


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