Guide to the General Library of the University of Minho
The Library
The general library of the University of Minho (BGUM) is situated in the heart of the Gualtar campus in Braga, providing its users with easy access to the most diverse sources of information.
Library Users
Students, teachers, researchers and non teaching staff; University bodies, teaching and research units, research projects, cultural units and service units of Uminho; Individuals or legal entities, after the registration acceptance by the UMinho libraries; Institutions such as archives, libraries, documentation services and other national information centers, after signing cooperation agreements/protocols.
Bibliographical collection
The general library currently possesses a diverse bibliographical collection, covering a wide range of subjects, which are treated thematically, and classified according to the specifications of the Universal Decimal Classification System (UDC). Take an overview at the Virtual Tour.
The general library also possesses a Special Collection (BRE), situated on the 1st floor, which is composed of publications (Doctoral Thesis, working papers, articles etc.) elaborated by the university community. Due to the special nature of these publications, access is restricted. Users interested in consulting the publications must retrieve the serial and call number of the publication from the library catalogue and hand it to the attendance desk.
The bibliographical collection of the general library is composed of the following publications:
Monographs - these are organized according to their subject matters, and classified according to the Universal Decimal Classification System (UDC). Upon entering the respective reading halls (located on the 1st and 2nd floors of the general library), which house the majority of the monographs, the users can find a layout plan indicating the different subject categories into which the monographs are divided.
Periodicals - journals, Magazines, bulletins, etc. are organized alphabetically by order of title. The periodicals of the current year are kept in the reading halls, while the older periodicals are housed in the basement.
Reference works - encyclopaedias, dictionaries and other reference works are located in the centre of the reading halls.
Audiovisual Documents - the general library is also equipped with a multimedia room, located on the 2nd floor, which allows the university community to choose from a wide range of music CD?s as well as videos (documentaries, educational videos etc.), which may be seen or heard in the respective audiovisual centres. For further information on the usage of these two centres, please contact the attendance desk located on each floor.
Bibliographical Catalogue
The library catalogue - On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) - provides access to the bibliographical references of all the documents available in the libraries of the University of Minho. The OPAC may be accessed using the following link:
The General library possesses various bibliographical reference research zones equipped with computers terminals which grant the users access to the library catalogue, the RepositóriUM and to a number of on-line databases and other information resources.
Study and Reading Rooms
The general library offers 622 reading and study places. In the 3 floors of the library there are 8 group-study rooms, 3 of which are permanently open (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) during the academic period; 7 group study rooms (5 for groups of 8 people and 2 for groups of 6 people) and 32 places in individual study spaces.
The USDB Regulation clearly defines the terms of usage of the University of Minho libraries. It is important to remember that library users should respect and make good use of the installations, equipments and the bibliographical resources available, so please do not smoke, eat or cause any sort of disruptions within the library complex, do not circulate with wet objects, turn off the mobile phone upon entering the library and understand that silence must be kept in order to guarantee a place for quiet study and to avoid disturbing others.
The basement of the general library (referred to as BGUM1 and BGUMD), houses the older periodicals (Magazines, bulletins, newspapers etc.) and books that have a low usage rate.
Library Services
Loans - the majority of the publications may be borrowed with the exception of periodicals (magazines, journals, newspapers, bulletins), reference works (dictionaries, encyclopaedias), audiovisual material (CD's, videos) and publications from the Special Collection Library (BRE, BREG). Any document for loan must be presented at the attendance desk to proceed with the loaning process.
Reproductions - the library offers a self-serve scanner and photocopying service. In order to use the photocopying service users must obtain a magnetic card from the automatic vending machine located on the ground floor.
Information and reference services - any information with regard to the functioning of the general library may be obtained from the attendance desk located on each floor. To fulfill any requests with regard to special bibliographical searches or any other requests, please contact the Reference Services of the General library:
Document supply services - to have access to documents that are non-existent in the libraries of the University of Minho, users have the possibility to obtain documents by means of interlibrary loan (in the case of books, reports etc.) or photocopies (in the case of magazine articles etc.). Users may contact the Reference Services of the General Library:, or, as we recommend, users may request documents by fulfilling the online request forms (Outside community request form).
User Training - At the beginning of each academic year the General library promotes a number of presentation and orientation sessions, aimed at the first year undergraduate students. During these sessions, the services offered as well as the functioning of the library are made known to the students. These sessions are organized by the different course directors, and should be requested timely. Whenever necessary, a presentation session or information session regarding a certain service or resource offered by the general library, may be requested by contacting the Reference Services: .
Wireless access to the University Network and the Internet - From within the library premises, with a portable computer adapted with the necessary hardware (a compatible wi-fi wireless access point gateway router pc card ) it is possible to access a number of services as well as resources offered online by the University of Minho. Users will be required to register before they may have access.
Security system
The library is equipped with a security system to avoid the theft of its documents. The Internal regulation of the Libraries of the University of Minho (article 22), foresees an internal inquiry procedure, during which all user rights are suspended, to whom try to leave the library with publications without prior request.
Opening hours
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8h30 to 24h00 and Saturdays from 8h30 to 14h30.
Holiday period: Monday to Friday from 9h00 to 12h30 and from 14h00 to 17h30.
Biblioteca Geral da Universidade do Minho, Edifício 04
Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga
Telephone numbers:
253 604 156 - Ground floor / Reception desk
253 604 157 - 1st floor attendance point
253 604 158 - 2nd floor attendance point
Internal calls need only dial the last six digits.
Fax: 253 604 159
Suggestions and claims
Suggestions or claims, may be presented in writing and deposited in the suggestions and claims boxes located at the General library, or may be sent via e-mail to the following address: