Universidade do Minho  

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Digital Resources

The Digital Library is the access point to an extensive collection of informational resources, relevant in teaching, research and learning:

Library Catalogue: search the bibliographic collection of the UMinho libraries. Indicates in which library the document is located and if it is available, upon login user can request the reservation of publications out on loab and renew their loans.

RepositóriUM: a Digital Repository of research materials and scholarly publications of the University of Minho.

 DataRepositóriUM: Institutional Data Repository to share, publish and manage research data generated and collected by the activity of the researchers and in the research units of the University of Minho.

 Digital Library: platform that aims to gather, disseminate and preserve content related to the history and documentary heritage associated with or held by the University of Minho.

 Portal CAMinho: Simultaneous search tool in the catalogs of the UMinho Documentation and Libraries Service, the Public Library of Braga, the Library Lúcio Craveiro da Silva, the Library of the Martins Sarmento Society and the Braga District Archive.

 Portal Discover: search tool for scientific information, which facilitates simultaneous searching in several databases subscribed by UMinho (including via b-on) and selected resources in open access.

 Portal b-on: search tool for scientific information, which facilitates simultaneous searching in several information resources subscribed through the National Consortium b-on.

 Databases: access to a number of bibliographic reference and full-text databases, containing multidisciplinary and specialized content. Covers subscribed databases, restricted to on campus usage, and selected open access resources, freely available online.

 A-to-Z eJournals/eBooks: list of ebooks and ejournals titles available online in full text. NEW! Discover the new interface of the A-to-Z eJournals/eBooks service

 Digital Editions: editions in facsimile and other versions of monographs fallen in the public domain about the Minho region and their personalities (page in Portuguese).
In each library there are specialized staff to ensure technical support, so that users can get the best use of all the resources available.


Lista de revistas e livros electrónicos de A a Z

RepositóriUM | last entries 
Equity Research: Altri SGPS, S.A.
Equity Research Report of Deutsche Telekom
Estudo sobre a aplicação do anteprojeto de proposta de lei de alterações à Lei de finanças locais
"O que nasce torto...": alguns equívocos não resolvidos a propósito da Lei Geral Tributária
O investimento direto estrangeiro da China na União Europeia e em Portugal e o novo instrumento de screening

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Biblioteca Geral da Universidade do Minho
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