Universidade do Minho  

Site Map

Portal Discover
Search tool for scientific information, which facilitates simultaneous searching in several information resources available in open access and subscribed by the University of Minho.


RepositoriUM - Institutional Repository
The Institutional Digital Repository of research materials and scholarly publications of the University of Minho. 

Web of Science
Web of Science is a database containing both multidisciplinary and specialized content. It covers journals, proceedings, current contents, journal citations, patents and chemical structures. This platform provides an interesting way of searching and managing information. University of Minho restricted access.


The Library provides access to a comprehensive collection of dictionaries for Portuguese language.




Training Calendar


RepositóriUM | recent items 
O desenvolvimento de competências de uso da Língua Portuguesa no contexto do 11º ano de escolaridade
Igualdade de género ? O acesso igualitário de eleitos e dirigentes do setor público em Portugal
How can cyberhate victimization and perpetration be understood?: Towards a psychological approach
Decellularized placental sponge: a platform for coculture of mesenchymal stem cells/macrophages to assess an M2 phenotype and osteogenic differentiation in vitro and in vivo
The effects of implementing the strategy of semantic feature analysis (SFA) in promoting vocabulary in school-aged Portuguese children in inclusive schools

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